by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 3,107 views | Reading Time 3:25
As we fall deeper into our current recession, we hear on a daily basis various reports about Wall Street and how corporate earnings are failing to meet expectations. Amazing right? Are the stock owners and corporate accountants that far removed from the society you and I are living in? A simple fact finding expedition through […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,736 views | Reading Time 3:01
Up until about a few years ago, I had no idea what BOGO meant. I thought someone had invented a new type of pogo stick that I wasn’t currently cool enough to know about. But, after seeing store sign after store sign promoting “Buy One, Get One Free” deals, it became readily apparent that BOGO […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,539 views | Reading Time 2:25
Today, the National Bureau of Economic Research confirmed what any sensible American citizen has known for a very long time… we are in a recession. For those late to the party of realization, the last few months of increasing home foreclosures, the massive federal bailouts required to keep many key institutions above water, and the […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,862 views | Reading Time 3:41
Over the last few months, when we were treated with economic distress reports or bailout packages, the common denominator was the valuation term of billions. Billions of dollars here, billions of dollars there, billions upon billions of necessary dollars required to rescue our nation’s failing financial industry, our nation’s car industry, and our nation’s housing […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,509 views | Reading Time 3:24
As our national economy continues to crumble and contract, our nation’s citizens could be facing a new age, an age of minimalism. Our country has been proud to have garnered the labels of the number one economy in the world, the leader of the free market, and the only country where if you worked hard […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,629 views | Reading Time 3:15
Over the last month, our financial markets have been crumbling before our eyes. Stock market losses have decimated retirement accounts, bank failures have completely seized our credit markets, and our housing decline has incinerated the equity of millions of American families. The adjectives used to describe these occurrences – crumbling, decimated, seized, incinerated – pale […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,636 views | Reading Time 2:49
As our government continues to try and rescue our nation’s financial markets in an effort to prevent a horrific economic freefall, we hear about one of the most outrageous and heinous uses of taxpayer money yet. AIG, a company our government deemed necessary of bailing out with federal funds, received an $85 Billion loan recently […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,557 views | Reading Time 2:42
We want to protect our youth, our children, and our infants. We want to have a place where these young ones can be taken care when their primary caregivers cannot. While implementing these ideas of how society “should” work, we have invited some potentially negative consequences. These “Safe Havens” some states are creating have led […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 3,813 views | Reading Time 3:12
To bailout or not to bailout, that is the question. We’ve been inundated over the last week with words such as bailout, meltdown, Wall Street versus Main Street, foreclosures, economic crisis, and even the most dastardly economic terms known to the financial man… recession or even, (say it with a low voice, we don’t want […]
by Robert in Political Beefs | 2,475 views | Reading Time 4:53
Americans received a “gift” from the government recently in the form of a stimulus check. Or, some people may like to think of it as a tax rebate or tax refund. It doesn’t matter what you call it, the fact is most Americans who filed taxes for 2007, received a stimulus check from our government. […]