by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,401 views | Reading Time 2:26
Our justice system is one of our country’s most defining achievements, but should we be happy with its current state? Throughout our past, lawmakers have tried to institute fairness within our legal system and protect the rights of the individual. The simple fact and idea that everyone is innocent until proven guilty provides a sense […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,219 views | Reading Time 5:02
How excited were you when you turned 21? Are you not there yet and sitting in a state of stupor because of your pent up anticipation of that fateful day when you can take your “first legal drink?” Is turning 21 as important as turning 16, or 13, or 10, or 5? Does age provide […]
by Robert in Everyday Nonsense | 2,142 views | Reading Time 5:04
Today’s topic is going to focus on a very important issue we face in our lives personally and amongst society. Of course, this issue is just one of many we face, but it does permeate through most everything we do in some manner. What I am talking about is selfishness to the point where you […]