Posts Tagged ‘Acceptance’

Feb 27

Trickle Down

by in Everyday Nonsense | 3,102 views | Reading Time 3:00

Ever wonder if what you say or do affects anyone? I’m sure most, if not all, people believe their life does in fact impact the lives of those around them, but how much? Do you think that only the most important statements or things you have done mean the most in how others interact with […]

Feb 15

Veils of Deception

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,838 views | Reading Time 2:30

Do you think people can truly change? Do you fear change? Are we simply who we are until the end? Is the appearance of change only a thin veil of disguise we pull over our appearances to make a false reality for others to see… and believe? What do you think? Personally, I believe in […]

Jan 22

Realistic Versus Pessimistic

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,510 views | Reading Time 2:52

I sometimes call myself a realist. I am not an eternal optimist. There are lots of times when I am an optimist, but the facts and surrounding influences must be favorable for my “walking out on a limb.” I have hope, but I temper that with my experiences of the world and my general working […]

Nov 7

Affordable Gas

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,273 views | Reading Time 3:19

As I was driving through town, I noticed something in the distance gleaming in the morning sky. It was a gas station’s digital sign proudly displaying the figure $1.999 for a single gallon of gasoline. I had read that across the United States, there were some areas already below the $2.00 mark but our local […]

Nov 5

First Rock Star President

by in Political Beefs | 2,852 views | Reading Time 2:57

Today marks the first time in American history that we have elected a rock star for President. In our past, we have elected war heroes, great public speakers, men with great ideals for our country, and we have even elected men who were previously known as actors. Now we can add to this distinguished list, […]

Sep 22

Debate Destruction

by in Political Beefs | 2,679 views | Reading Time 2:49

Over the last 10-20 years, something has changed in our country’s way of thinking. People at one point in time, were able to enter into rational debates without seeing them careen off into an ideological slugfest with no chance of compromise from either side. Today, our society seems to be hell-bent on winning everything, no […]

Sep 15

Trend Setting

by in Television Ramblings | 2,306 views | Reading Time 3:15

Fashion trends are in a state of continual flux. How do you know if your wardrobe or hair style is amongst the currently accepted “cool” fashions? The majority of us don’t buy fashion magazines with the intent on keeping up with the latest styles. Personally, I’ve never put much faith in the trendy styles our […]

Sep 12

Integrity Sold

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,348 views | Reading Time 2:37

We have all seen the commercials on television, in print, and online featuring precious events or heartfelt moments rightfully labeled as “priceless.” But, is there really anything that doesn’t have a price on it in our world today? Take anything you can possibly think of and I’m sure that you and I, rational individuals, can […]

Sep 10

Attack Mentality

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,508 views | Reading Time 3:46

Over the past few decades, it appears that the American demeanor has been migrating towards an attack mentality. To be more specific, people are becoming more likely to instantaneously flip the switch to defensive attack measures rather than completely hear an opposition idea, thought, statement, or suggestion. Personally, I see this within myself at times […]

Sep 5

Who Cares

by in Everyday Nonsense | 1,945 views | Reading Time 3:17

There’s a saying that seems to be the basic idea of living these days. It goes a little something like this, “It’s my life and I can do what I want to.” On top of that, there is a growing sentiment amongst our society that everything is ok as long as what you are doing […]