adventures of my mind

Sep 19

Hollywood Politicians

by in Political Beefs | 2,997 views | Reading Time 3:04

How often do you hear about A-List Hollywood insiders being affiliated with our political process and parties? Personally, I sat in near hyperventilating anticipation for weeks and maybe even months before Oprah decided who she was going to sponsor… wait, I mean endorse. Similarly, I had to answer all of the polling phone calls asking […]

Sep 18

Tax Man Cometh

by in Political Beefs | 2,701 views | Reading Time 3:36

Joe Biden, our potential future Vice President, turned up in the news again with another statement worthy of mention. As I wrote in a previous article, Second Rate Choice, Biden has been largely ignored by the media since the arrival, and associated media vacuum, of Sarah Palin. However, as in that article, Biden seems to […]

Sep 17

Ally Or Enemy

by in Political Beefs | 2,150 views | Reading Time 2:20

Recently, word spread across the news channels that Pakistan ordered its troops to open fire upon any American troops that crossed the Afghanistan/Pakistan border. Pakistan has played a large role in our war on terror in their region and has been an ally of America for quite some time. However, their government has been under […]

Sep 16

Golden Parachutes

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,048 views | Reading Time 2:32

Lately, we’ve been hearing news about executives of failing businesses receiving millions of dollars upon exiting their position. Sometimes, the exits are removals, firings, or basic business collapses leaving the company in ruins. Is it fair that an executive in charge of a company receives millions while the employees and shareholders are left with nothing? […]

Sep 15

Trend Setting

by in Television Ramblings | 2,286 views | Reading Time 3:15

Fashion trends are in a state of continual flux. How do you know if your wardrobe or hair style is amongst the currently accepted “cool” fashions? The majority of us don’t buy fashion magazines with the intent on keeping up with the latest styles. Personally, I’ve never put much faith in the trendy styles our […]

Sep 12

Integrity Sold

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,328 views | Reading Time 2:37

We have all seen the commercials on television, in print, and online featuring precious events or heartfelt moments rightfully labeled as “priceless.” But, is there really anything that doesn’t have a price on it in our world today? Take anything you can possibly think of and I’m sure that you and I, rational individuals, can […]

Sep 11

Second Rate Choice

by in Political Beefs | 2,481 views | Reading Time 3:50

Over the last few days, Barack Obama’s running mate Joe Biden appears to have been buried by the media. Since the Democratic National Convention, Biden hasn’t been quite the media darling and his appearances have been very limited. Of course John McCain’s pick of Sarah Palin as his Vice Presidential choice has thrown the entire […]

Sep 10

Attack Mentality

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,486 views | Reading Time 3:46

Over the past few decades, it appears that the American demeanor has been migrating towards an attack mentality. To be more specific, people are becoming more likely to instantaneously flip the switch to defensive attack measures rather than completely hear an opposition idea, thought, statement, or suggestion. Personally, I see this within myself at times […]

Sep 9

Government May I?

by in Political Beefs | 2,814 views | Reading Time 3:25

We’ve all heard the saying “Mother may I?” either as a child or as a rule-testing teen or young adult. More often than not, the term is spoken with laced sarcasm. Asking for permission is not one of human nature’s greatest traits. We enjoy free will and most of us abuse it by solely focusing […]

Sep 8


by in Political Beefs | 2,659 views | Reading Time 3:41

Taxes, we all abhor them, but we absolutely love to hear the words “Tax Cut.” Government, we shake in our boots at the thought of it growing even larger in our lives, but we love to hear the words “Universal Health Care, Social Security, and yes, even Welfare.” Rights, we love the idea that our […]