Author Archive

May 9

Roles of Models

by in Everyday Nonsense | 1,925 views | Reading Time 4:49

What in the world is this article going to be about, super models? No, definitely not. What I want to talk about is from a suggestion I received the other day. What is my point of view on celebrity and athletic role models? I gave a short answer in the suggestion comments, but I wanted […]

May 8

At What Cost

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,608 views | Reading Time 4:34

I recently ran across an article on ESPN that I instantly felt the need to write about. At least I wanted to give my personal opinion on the matter. I know that the sports world relies on winning. If you don’t have a winning team, then attendance dries up, revenue goes away, and players won’t […]

May 7

Compound Living

by in Everyday Nonsense | 1,881 views | Reading Time 3:23

Based on my last few articles, I want to visit an idea that could be a better proposition for people in our country. What does compound living mean? Is it similar to compounding interest? No. What I am referring to as compound living involves having a multi-tenant building built to serve the needs of several […]

May 6

Stay at Home

by in Everyday Nonsense | 1,806 views | Reading Time 4:37

Ok, since yesterday’s article focused on a married couple living a normal American dream life and how they are continually falling deeper in debt, I left off with a question. Could the family be better off if only one adult worked? Like I said, I haven’t done the math, but I am very skeptical and […]

May 5

Working Costs Money

by in Everyday Nonsense | 1,848 views | Reading Time 4:28

Since I wrote an article yesterday focusing on our economic downturns and a potential change we can focus on within our own control, I mentioned a statement about how it can cost people money to work. Doesn’t make much sense, but I’m going to give an example here describing the premise of how going to […]

May 4

Economic Ineptitude

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,196 views | Reading Time 5:05

Since the economy has been playing for the spotlight the last few months, I figured I would chime in with a few cents worth of opinion. People are feeling the credit crunch, foreclosures are rising, food prices are soaring, gas of course is beyond comprehensible anymore, and people just do not have spare spending money […]

May 2

Best Left Unsaid

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,641 views | Reading Time 4:29

Today, in a public forum I read, I came across a statement that to me was offensive. As the article title suggests, it was most definitely a comment best left unsaid. The sad thing about it is I’ve heard this statement before, in various formats and configurations. It makes me wonder if the average person […]

May 1

Corn Fuel

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,585 views | Reading Time 4:56

As we all know, with the continual increase of oil prices and as a result, gas prices, the media is pushing alternative fuel as a better way to go. Usually, you will run across this alternative fuel, Ethanol or better called E85, at rare filling stations. Yes, there are more pumps showing up, but they […]

Apr 30

Provocative Portraits

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,188 views | Reading Time 4:00

I’m not sure how up on pop culture the majority of you out there are, but over the last few days, Disney’s media darling Miley Cyrus (aka Hannah Montana) has been treated as the new coming of Britney Spears or Lindsay Lohan. All (mostly) due to the fact that there are studio portraits of her […]

Apr 29

Additional Product Content

by in Product Rants | 3,134 views | Reading Time 4:03

It’s time for my first product rant. As you will see, this will be like my other articles, about something, but not really about something. It’s about viewing things from an alternate perspective and thinking outside the preconceived notions that the powers that be assume we adhere to. Recently, game developer Infinity Ward added new […]