Author Archive

Jun 12


by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,260 views | Reading Time 4:34

Whoa, another silly word. Today’s new word took me a few iterations to come up with something that you could pronounce out loud. Yes, sometimes it is difficult to come up with a brand new word. I mean, Webster’s has been around for a very long time and they pretty much cornered the market on […]

Jun 11

Bucket List

by in Movie Reviews | 2,629 views | Reading Time 4:40

I’ve watched several movies since my last review, but none of them intrigued me enough to write an article about them. However, as the article title implies, The Bucket List gave me something worthwhile to write about. As always, I will not give any spoilers or ruin the film experience for anyone who may not […]

Jun 10

Scared of Retirement

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,460 views | Reading Time 4:30

Today’s article is going to focus on something we all hope to do in our life and about how some people are actually scared of the thought. Retirement, it is some people’s dream and in turn, some people’s nightmare. How can that be? I always thought retirement was the goal of all young adult workers. […]

Jun 9


by in Everyday Nonsense | 1,735 views | Reading Time 5:15

Yes, I know it’s been a couple of days since the last article. No, I haven’t run out of topics to write about. I can’t ever imagine not actually forming an opinion on current topics. In the end, all of my articles are facts of my opinion. Did you catch that? Of course in my […]

Jun 6


by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,631 views | Reading Time 4:37

Today’s article basically comes from a conversation I was having yesterday about the current generation of less than 20 year olds. Today’s word is a descriptive term I have invented for this particular subject matter. The word is a combination of Peer and Idiocy. We all know what a peer is right? We also know […]

Jun 5


by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,261 views | Reading Time 5:00

Today is a totally separate theme for an article. I have made up a new word however to keep that ball rolling. Milkmind is what I decided to write about today. Milk is a very useful source of vitamins and minerals that help us grow up to become healthy adults. It helps our bones grow […]

Jun 4


by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,071 views | Reading Time 5:02

Today’s new word is…. Publivacy. Have you figured it out? Ok, well it’s a mixture of Public and Privacy. They are two VERY separate words by definition. However, our current society has mixed them together where public has basically overtaken our privacy. Sure, we think we have privacy, but where exactly do you think you […]

Jun 3

Sense of Time

by in Everyday Nonsense | 1,927 views | Reading Time 4:57

Today’s article just happened to pop up in my mind as I was replying to a comment this morning on the previous posting. I mentioned in my comment a statement that I’ve spent quite a bit of time thinking about in the past, but never wrote anything down on paper. The statement was “if I […]

Jun 1


by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,136 views | Reading Time 5:04

Today’s topic is going to focus on a very important issue we face in our lives personally and amongst society. Of course, this issue is just one of many we face, but it does permeate through most everything we do in some manner. What I am talking about is selfishness to the point where you […]

May 30


by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,135 views | Reading Time 5:18

I’ll bet you’ve never heard of that one have you! I hope not, or I’m not very original. Mouth of course is our mouth. The remainder of the word is a partial of audacity. Combine them and we have mouthacity. My invented meaning for this particular noun goes as follows. People have always taken the […]