adventures of my mind

Product Rants

April 12th, 2008 by | Word Count: 162 | Reading Time 0:39 2,266 views

Welcome to the first post in the Product Rants category.  Every so often, I run across a product available that offers up a mine of discussion value.  There are no specific products that could show up here, it’s a pretty random thing.  Anything that strikes a chord will appear and we can all share our thoughts together.  As with the other categories, if you think there is an interesting product out deserving a look, send a suggestion.

There are many products out in the consumer world that have no other meaning other than to cost you money.  Other products are out there that serve no purpose other than to clutter up your life.  Some products actually provide usefulness and save you money.  This category could include reviews or rants about any such item.  Our world of mass marketing should give us a vast array of products to talk about.  I have no doubts we will have some very interesting conversations in this category.

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