adventures of my mind

First Rock Star President

November 5th, 2008 by | Word Count: 734 | Reading Time 2:57 2,816 views

Today marks the first time in American history that we have elected a rock star for President. In our past, we have elected war heroes, great public speakers, men with great ideals for our country, and we have even elected men who were previously known as actors. Now we can add to this distinguished list, rock star. While Barack Obama is not in the company of certified platinum selling musicians, his persona and public stature is equivalent to that of being the much sought after fifth Beatle. His star power and public attraction are only equaled by the mass gatherings of people who attend reunion tours of The Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen, or even the reminiscent arrival of The Beatles.

Obama has the eyes of the world upon him. He is not only our rock star… he is the world’s rock star. In our time of globalization, Obama is sitting on top of the world’s political pulpit. After a projected record amount of voters have utilized their one true democratic tool, Obama has been elected the leader of the free world. After many campaign promises have been made in exchange for votes, our eyes as a nation are going to be squarely placed upon him. Obama will face the ultimate political scrutiny… not only from the American public, but from the world as a whole.

I watched Obama give his gracious acceptance speech last night. He is a very good speaker and he can motivate with his words and demeanor when he’s speaking. However, his actions are now required. No longer is campaign and political rhetoric going to be enough. There must be substance to his speeches and there must be evidence of his political ability. At this point in time, we have yet to see either because of his lack of political service.

What exactly Obama will accomplish over the next four years remains to be seen. Many are awaiting some sort of Holy Grail to materialize and make our nation resemble a fairytale of the grandest proportions. Others are nervously and anxiously awaiting what true agenda Obama may be harboring. Obama, based upon his past votes and publicly stated positions, is still regarded as a “Hard Core Liberal.” His political viewpoints and Democratic Party affiliation still direct his decision making that will undoubtedly create great public and political divide. Promises of bi-partisanship is one thing, actually compromising on some of the most important divides is another.

We have seen how political divides have separated this country. For many, their newfound ecstasy achieved as a result of their chosen affiliation’s rise to power will come under distress as the reality of the political process diminishes the many campaign road promises. Yes, Obama will be in office with a dominant position regarding both the House and the Senate. However, he does not enjoy a veto-proof House and Senate. That means that any law or political action he champions MUST be made with inherent compromises in place.

Obama is our next President and he deserves the respect this office places upon him. However, the respect of the person himself is on the line. If Obama can truly earn the respect of his opposition as a true political leader charged with bringing our country forward together, then I will gladly stand in line and support Obama. Until that day comes, I am a skeptical citizen waiting to see what the true agenda of the Democratic Party’s most liberal President has in store for our country.

The President is sworn to uphold the Constitution upon inauguration. Our nation was born upon the ideology of freedom. Free markets are at the core of our capitalistic economy. As our country moves forward, I implore you to watch with keen eyes how your rights are being protected, how your country’s foundation is being protected, and how your country’s moral and ethical values are being protected. Many of Obama’s campaign promises directly affect each one of these core issues. If our American citizens are so easily fleeced of our rights for monetary gains, we will no longer have a Constitution, a free market, or a free country. Be thankful that we have democracy and we must make sure that we preserve it. We must not allow the rock star persona draw a veil of deception over our nation’s eyes which will allow its complete rape and destruction from within.

4 Responses »

  1. Jeanie
    on November 5th, 2008 at 2:50 pm:

    I am in serious mourning and feel lost! There is nothing we can do now but wait.

    I guess America is going to see what it feels like to get what they wanted. Once again the ALL AMERICAN DOLLAR rules all else.

    And as for the other votes…You know I don’t care if Obama is green, it’s what’s inside that frightens me. How can people vote for someone BECAUSE of his color? What’s that all about? Isn’t that being racist and of course, stupid?

    I think we better spend even more times on our knees in prayer to God that He will have mercy on us. We are going to need it.

    on November 5th, 2008 at 8:32 pm:

    Yes, the majority of American voters have received exactly what they wanted. By both the Electoral College and Popular Vote, we have elected Obama to be our next President.

    I hope that the Democratic Party truly does what is right for the country and not simply focus upon their liberal/socialist agenda. If they can bring our country together by compromising and moving us past our petty differences, I’ll gladly admit to Obama being a good President.

    However, if things go south like they can very quickly do, our worst fears will be confirmed as conservatives and Republicans. Color means nothing to me and as you read through my articles, you will notice that I never mention anything about his race. His moral and ethical values, policies and party affiliation are what I have an issue with.

    With the political power currently removed from the Republican Party, prayer is about all we have for at least the next few years.

  2. Jeanie
    on November 5th, 2008 at 9:15 pm:

    Not “we” elected him. I had nothing to do with it and I will gladly say so, no matter what happens.

    on November 5th, 2008 at 9:36 pm:

    I know where you’re coming from but our nation is still “We the people.” We can have our differences of opinions but “we” did elect him.

    The best thing we can do is give him the benefit of the doubt at this point and hope and pray for the best. If his true colors do show as we know they will, then it will be on us to make sure the “we” know more about how much their vote counts outside of voting for something as simple as “change” or “yes we can.”

    Vote for change that has specific policy that will make our country better. Vote for yes we can that makes our country better and not because of race.

    I am an individual, but I am a part of the “we” and you are too. Stay informed and don’t let your attention migrate away from the political landscape affecting our country. Apathy can seep in just as quickly as it left.

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