adventures of my mind

Veils of Deception

February 15th, 2009 by | Word Count: 624 | Reading Time 2:30 2,813 views

Do you think people can truly change? Do you fear change? Are we simply who we are until the end? Is the appearance of change only a thin veil of disguise we pull over our appearances to make a false reality for others to see… and believe? What do you think? Personally, I believe in change. I believe we can truly change who we are if we honestly want to. I believe in heart and soul triumphing over the physical nature of our body and environment. I believe…

But, I also believe that many, if not the majority of people in our world, simply do not want to change. They fear it… they like the way they are… they want everyone else to change to meet their needs and not the other way around. Change is a two way street in my opinion. More often than not, everyone needs to change and meet somewhere in the middle rather than having a certain group of people change to meet the group on the other side of the valley.

I see people in various states of change… unwanted change forced upon them, disguised change for some to see while others see the unchanged individual, and those willingly engaging in change for the betterment of their own life as well as others. Who do you think has the easiest time going about their daily life from the above categories?

Of course those willing to change are going to have a much happier existence simply because they have chosen to change. Those who are forced to change, do so without buying into the outcome that change is good for them… otherwise they would have elected to change willingly. And those who are choosing to pull the deceptive veils of change over their persona are only hurting themselves worse over time. To put it simply, they are nothing more than liars… to themselves, and to those around them.

To me, these people are also untrustworthy. At least the people unwilling to change have the guts to publicly stand their ground and fight for what they believe to be in their own personal best interests. Those who disguise their true intentions are weasels, snakes, and deserve to be treated as such. They deserve no respect for their actions. Change… or don’t… no need to fake it.

How do you live your life when facing change? Are you one of those who accept change and move forward? Are you one who will always buck change while going down in flames protecting what you know? Or, are you one of those who will fake change to get by and keep your precious status quo in check?

Do you know any of these fake changers in your life? How do they make you feel? I have known a few of these people throughout my life and they irritate and aggravate me… for the simple reason that they are nothing more than fakers! I can’t stand fake people… fake attitudes… fake in general. Be real or get out of my life.

Fake people, acting like they have changed, are also manipulators. It makes sense doesn’t it? If they had bought into the idea of change, they wouldn’t be disguising their actions. If they are disguising their true self, they must be doing it for a reason. That reason is that it serves their selfish reasons for a presumed payoff. They are trying to manipulate the people and situation around them to serve their own needs.

Fakers… manipulators… liars… weasels… the list could go on. People who disguise their true actions with veils of deception cannot be trusted. Choose to accept change or fight it… don’t be one of those who fake it.

2 Responses »

  1. Bob
    on March 3rd, 2009 at 8:42 pm:

    I agree,there are lots of people out there that change to which ever way the wind blows. Most of these people are making changes for monetary values or political reasons. Commonly known by many as suckups or brown nosers.

    If a person really wants to change, then this can really happen with a lot of personal effort, but you can’t change someone not willing.

    I have made a lot of changes during my life,a lot of them for the good I hope. Don’t sweat the small things just comes with time I suppose. Just remember that one little drop of water won’t cause a big wave in the ocean,just like one person can’t make much of a change to people that they are around, but if you can make a positive impact on just one persons life, then you can consider yourself fortunate. Remember the show Paying it Forward?

    If one person could or would help one person can you imagine the impact on the world?

    on March 5th, 2009 at 9:24 pm:

    I believe that people can change too, but there are very few people who can actually accomplish change. People must choose to change for themselves and not for some external reason for someone else. The “want to” has to come from within or it will never take root.

    You have changed a lot through the years, as have I. It has definitely been the best for both of us! I can imagine that I will be forever changing and hopefully always for the best!

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