Day Of Change
January 19th, 2009 by Robert | Word Count: 706 | Reading Time 2:53 | 2,879 views |
The day has come that Barack Obama will officially become the President of the United States. I am so unbelievably excited that I can hardly put into words how much this day excites me. No I’m not excited about the fact that he is becoming our nation’s leader and focal point of the free world, but for many other reasons. This new day will bring upon us a day of closure. Again, no I’m not talking about the closure of the Bush administration, but for something altogether different.
If you have read more than a paragraph of any of my nearly 200 articles to this date, you know full well that Obama is not my favorite politician (He ranks in the same category as Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy, and let’s throw someone of the same character in here, the ever brilliant political mind, Lindsay Lohan.) So if Obama is not my political savior and governmental messiah, why am I so excited about the day he takes the oath of office?
Number one, I will NEVER have to hear another report by the so-called respectable news outlets about what dress Michelle Obama is going to wear to the inauguration. My ears have nearly bled from such innate conversation about nothing. As these reports wore on, I felt as if I were the one sitting in Guantanamo Bay being subjected to water boarding. Seriously, do we care? Is her dress going to hire two million people and replace the nearly 10 trillion dollars the stock market lost last year? Get over it, it’s just a dress.
Number two, I will NEVER have to hear another report about how there has never been a black President in our country (although Obama is only half black…). I could care less about the color of this man’s skin. Racism is alive and well in this country and for those who think this is the nail in racism’s coffin, continue living in your dream world and send me a check on behalf of your consummate stupidity. We all would like racism to be a dead and gone civil issue, but we must face the fact that it still exists. Sweeping an issue under the rug does not mean it’s cured.
Number three, Obama will now be given the chance to put his so-called money where his mouth is. I can run my mouth as well as Obama can, but he has now been given the position to where he can either come through on his promises or fail like all the other politicians. Yes, all the previous politicians have failed to achieve their campaign promises simply because they cannot change everything in such a short time. There is too much money and too much power on both sides of the aisle to allow the sweeping governmental change that Obama has promised.
There are many other issues that I am sick of hearing about and I’m sure will still garner air time over the next few months and even years, but the time has come for Obama to show what he is made of. Is he a paper politician led by the vast wallets that helped get him elected? Is he deserving of the accolades he has received and the comparisons to MLK, JFK, and even Abraham Lincoln? Will his first term be his last? How will Obama deal with the enemies of our country abroad? Does he have what it truly takes to defend our Constitution or will he shred it like his policies and voting record portends?
Our mainstream media will be riding the coattails of Obama for quite a while so we won’t get a true feel for his administration for quite some time. But, I figure about two years into his Presidency, our nation will know whether we elected a true leader or just another Jimmy Carter. While I don’t agree with Obama’s policies, I do hope that he and his administration achieve what is best for our country. Policy and politics aside, I’m an American citizen and we need good to come of this. I can only hope that America is a stronger nation because of the next four years and not a weaker one. So, let’s get on with this show.
on January 19th, 2009 at 10:14 pm:
You are correct,it will take about 2 years to use up all of the excuses that they can come up with associated with the Bush administration. It is really easy to be a couch potato quarterback.
The job that he has applied for and hired to do will try his mettle from the get go. Lots of promises to be fulfilled if he really meant them. I suspect that the terrorist countries will try something early on to see what he is made of.
I hope that we still have enough people in key positions that are not YES men. Like you said, I also hope for the best for the country. The color of a person doesn’t make the person.
on January 19th, 2009 at 10:36 pm:
I hope that the terrorist nations don’t react to the situation in such a manner, but it is a distinct possibility. On one hand, they have a wishy washy politician that is afraid to use force to defend his country… but on the other, they have a politician who will give in and enter negotiations with known terrorist nations. They are essentially in a win-win situation.
Now is the time to root out the yes men in our political world. I believe that we will see everyone’s true stripes in the next few years and we will need to vote accordingly.
on January 19th, 2009 at 10:29 pm:
I can’t wait till this day is over so I don’t have to hear about how Obama likens to Martin Luther King. The news media has been going all out comparing Obama’s inauguration speech to King’s, as well as comparing him to Lincoln. I would venture to say that if either of these great men were alive today, they would cringe at the thought.
on January 19th, 2009 at 10:40 pm:
Yes, I tend to agree. MLK was a great man and a great civil rights leader but his stances were based upon morality and spirituality. Obama has yet to show me either trait based upon his voting records and affiliation with a black liberation church. He can talk the talk, but his walk is far from what comes out of his mouth.
And as far as being comparable to Lincoln, there is just no chance. People are digging deep for comparisons to raise this man onto the highest political pedestal. How about we wait and see how he actually governs? Which is something he has NEVER done to this point in his life.