Value Destruction
December 16th, 2008 by Robert | Word Count: 844 | Reading Time 3:25 | 2,330 views |
While reading Bill O’Reilly’s book “Culture Warrior,” I ran across a simple statement conjured up from O’Reilly’s mind which makes ultimate sense in an uncommon sense world, “To conquer a nation, destroy the values of its people.” Doesn’t that simplistic statement make absolute sense? How can a nation survive if the values it was formed and based upon are destroyed and no longer allowed, supported, or even accepted?
Upon first glance at that sentence, I would imagine we all turn our focus to an external enemy… an enemy from across the shores, a physical and political enemy. However, I believe the enemy is actually our own citizens within our society today. O’Reilly wrote this knowing that and has identified the threat as an entity he labels the “Secular Progressives” or S-P for short. I will label this segment of our society as our “insurgents.”
Yes, I label them with such drastic measure because the effects of their ultra liberal policies destroy the basic American moral values which we were founded upon. The American insurgency, aka insurrectionists or secessionists in my opinion, are looking to change the landscape into that of total anarchy. Our way of life, if they have their way, will change forever into something that could split the nation in a way we haven’t seen since the Civil War. No longer is slavery or women’s rights at stake, our nation’s moral and ethical value system is at stake.
Fighting for our individual rights is one thing, fighting for the continued life of our nation is another. The insurgents are pushing policies which are held by a very small percentage of our society. However, that percentage is growing and is funded by some of the wealthiest people in America. They have the ability to get their message out because they are in de facto control of the nation’s media outlets. They control the television air waves, a large portion of the radio waves, and have created propaganda spewing internet sites which are in place to lure unsuspecting youth into their control.
This is not a fight of Republican versus Democrat. It is not a fight between Conservatives and Liberals. This is a fight between the standard American citizen who holds our moral and ethical value set close to their heart and those who wish to remove all moral and ethical standards while replacing them with what is by default, chaos and anarchy.
Over 80% of our nation’s citizens consider themselves Christians. As such, they are bound by certain basic moral and ethical standards. If our nation has its moral and ethical standards destroyed by a small, but extremely powerful insurgency, expect a revolution by those who wish to uphold what the United States of America stands for.
Creating a society where anarchy and chaos rules serves two major purposes… greed and selfishness. If there are no moral and ethical rules to follow, what exactly is there to keep the average human being in line other than a basic understanding of what is right and wrong? And even then, right and wrong can be argued and litigated until wrong is right and right is wrong. Our society will simply focus on individual satisfaction at all costs because it’s our “right.”
Do we need the government to uphold our standard moral and ethical views? Do we need laws in place to tell us how to live correctly? It appears that we do because if the insurgents had their way, our country would already be in chaos. No longer does it appear that we have the innate sense to know what is right and wrong while living in society. No longer does it appear that we can govern ourselves in a free society effectively as the insurgents continue to gain power. No longer does it appear that we know how to live without greed and selfishness.
In the end, the country will make a decision. Will those of us who stand for something greater than the individual stand up for our country or will we simply allow the insurgency decide for us how to live our lives? I’m not telling you to stand up and start a militia in preparation for a revolution, I am telling you to use the most powerful tool in your arsenal… your vote. Yes, we just finished one our biggest elections, but it never stops. Speak up, write letters, attend a rally, do something other than allow the insurgents have their way because we are too lazy or pacified. They are the weaker force… we must band together and stop them before it’s too late. At that point in time, we may be beyond the simple casting a vote phase and into a full blown revolution.
The American way of life is worth fighting for. No, not the “American life” of greed and selfishness, but the way of life our forefathers fought and died to protect. If we do our part, our country can be reclaimed and once again be that shining beacon of hope to all who want freedom.
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