adventures of my mind


December 12th, 2008 by | Word Count: 666 | Reading Time 2:43 2,056 views

That time of year is arriving at breakneck speed… it’s almost time to set some New Year’s resolutions. Are you a resolution maker? Are you a person who “turns over a new leaf” each and every January 1st? Does the calendar turning over to a new year carry significance in your life? Or is it just another day, another year, or just another early January day filled with college football?

In the past, New Years didn’t mean anything to me. Well, it did mean something to me if my favorite college football team was playing, but other than that, it was just another cold day in Missouri. However, now that I’m in my mid 30’s, New Years means a bit more to me. I’m not sure if it has something to do with my age, my mental outlook, or my continued growth as a husband and father. Maybe it has to do with all of the above.

Each January 1st now brings a sense of hope for me. It gives me a fresh mental outlook at what can be and not what is or what has been. It’s a simple thing really, but the reality of the matter is, I can feel the difference, physically, emotionally, and even spiritually when the calendar shows January 1st. Does that mean the day before was worse than the new day to come? Does that mean the past year wasn’t as good as I hope the upcoming year is going to be? No.

I now view January 1st as a date in which I can reflect on my life up until that point and set goals around how I want my life to be so I can be the best version of me. It does offer a clean slate, an empty notebook, and a chance at excellence. It also offers redemption and a mentality focusing on new beginnings. Does the simple change of date really make any difference? Of course it doesn’t. But, we all know the absolute power our mind has over our body and some of us attach great importance to certain calendar dates.

Sometimes, my New Years goals are the exact same as the year before, they never change. I set goals that I strive to achieve. Some goals may not even be goals, but are actually standards to live by. Some goals may be easily tracked and accounted for. Other goals may just be simple goals that are entirely personal and cannot be qualified or understood by others. It doesn’t matter. Our goals we set allow us to view the new year as a path to a better version of ourselves.

As we get closer to January 1st, I find myself thinking of goals I want to set and I’m beginning to work on them already. The date itself isn’t the important factor, the mental outlook is most important. Allowing your mental outlook to focus upon the hope and greatness of what may come in the new year can truly alter your daily life.

So, as I get older, I pay more attention to New Years Day. It makes me feel excited. It makes me focus upon how I can improve myself. It makes me live with hope and excitement that each and every day is a step towards achieving my goal of a better me.

We all need goals and January 1st is the easiest date to set them on. If you’re not a New Years person, try and set some goals this year. Start small and honestly try and attain them. See how it can change your life and make you feel different inside as you near your accomplishments and eventually conquer your goals and even surpass them. It’s not about having lots of goals, it’s about making you the best you there is and working every day to achieve that. Will you join me and set goals that will make you a better person come January 1st? I’m in, let’s do it!

2 Responses »

  1. Jeanie
    on December 14th, 2008 at 7:45 pm:

    I’m in too!!

    on December 15th, 2008 at 11:13 pm:

    Awesome! I can’t wait to see some results as we try and accomplish our goals together!

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