Liberal & Conservative Marriage
November 11th, 2008 by Robert | Word Count: 786 | Reading Time 3:14 | 2,592 views |
After yesterday’s article on the makings of the Liberal Agenda, I had a short internal conversation with myself. The topic of this self involved conversation was, “Could I be happily married to a person who subscribed to the Liberal Agenda?” This actual topic was born from a short conversation I had with my wife just a few days earlier. First, let me get something out in the open. We talk about everything no matter how stupid, important, or ignorant the topic may be. We have great communication so this wasn’t anything out of the ordinary for us to discuss together. I told her that I didn’t think I could be married to a Democrat. And by saying Democrat, she knew I meant a proud Liberal Agenda card holding member.
Could you make that statement to your spouse and have an intelligent conversation? Well, my wife is not a Liberal Agenda type of person. She believes in the same fundamental rights I believe our government protects and we also share the same beliefs in how distinguished moral and ethical behavior should be paramount in any person we elect. I would whole heartedly expect her to say the same thing… she could not marry a Liberal Agenda believing man. You may be saying that love in the truest form can overcome such a trivial affiliation. I beg to differ.
The separation of a Democrat who has subscribed to the Liberal Agenda differs from the moderate Democrat and all forms and segments of the Republican Party. They have views that distort what truly matters most. These differences are not issues that can be compromised on for the most part. These differences are belief differences, not political process differences. Issues such as health care, immigration, taxation, and many other governmental talking points can all be debated and compromises can be reached that can satisfy all parties involved. However, there are certain aspects of the Liberal Agenda member that unequivocally separates them from the non Liberalized crowd.
Primarily, the issue of abortion is a core factor creating this vast difference. The Liberal Agenda Democrat will forever support abortion as a woman’s right. There is no compromise. The rest of us either believes in some kind of limitation of abortion to rape, incest, and potential mother death or completely ruled out unless the mother’s life is in peril. These two opposite sides of belief cannot be bridged with compromise. It’s an either/or situation. Can someone who believes a child’s life doesn’t carry any significance be married to someone who believes a child’s life should be regarded as one of the most pure and innocent blessings we have as human beings?
Another divisive issue is of course gay marriage. Democratic Liberal Agenda policy followers believe that everyone should be allowed to marry and receive the all inclusive tax benefits from doing so. Everyone else resides anywhere from agreeing only to Civil Unions to not even supporting that. Can someone who truly believes homosexuals should be allowed to rewrite what the institution of marriage consists of be married to someone who believes that it is morally, ethically, and spiritually wrong do to so?
Liberal Agenda followers believe in the basic fact that everyone should get to do anything they want as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else. Get pregnant and don’t want to deal with nine months of pregnancy and a commitment to raising a child? Abort it. It’s your right, right? Are you gay and want to have the same benefits as a married couple? Change what marriage means so you can get the tax benefit. It’s your right, right? Want to smoke marijuana because it makes you feel good? Legalize drugs. It doesn’t hurt anyone but the drug user right? It’s your right to harm yourself if you wish, right? Want to remove all references to God and Christianity from education and our justice system because it may be offensive? Pass laws to remove it. It’s your right, right?
So, I stand by my comment. I could not and would not marry a Liberal Agenda Democrat. I don’t believe true love can exist in a situation with such disparate viewpoints. This is an either/or situation. I believe a standard Democrat and Republican can be happy together in marriage with a few bumps. But as we have seen, the middle of the road Democrat or Republican is a dying species. Our world has become divided by canyons of ideological differences that cannot be bridged by simple compromises. How we move forward will be a continuous struggle because at the root of our differences is actually our spiritual belief system. Religion has and always will be the major difference between us while we spend our time on this earth.
on November 12th, 2008 at 10:40 pm:
I couldn’t agree more!
on November 12th, 2008 at 11:09 pm:
Thank goodness!