Liberal Agenda
November 10th, 2008 by Robert | Word Count: 801 | Reading Time 3:18 | 3,608 views |
Let’s talk a little bit about this so-called “Liberal Agenda” I’ve been writing about in my past articles. Some people only know the terms Liberal and Conservative and Democrat or Republican. Some do not know the different factions that exist within each Party. A Democrat does not necessarily have to subscribe to the Liberal Agenda and a Republican doesn’t have to adhere to the conservative right’s agenda to belong to the political Party. However these days with the middle of the road politician seemingly on the endangered species lists, you are more likely to find a very high percentage of liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans with very few in the middle.
With that out of the way, what are the issues that determines which Democrat believes in Liberal Agenda policies? I’m not going to go into great detail on each one as I don’t want to enrage or put to sleep those who may be reading. The issues are in no order of importance and only appear as I randomly write them from my mind to digital paper.
Issue: Abortion
The Liberals would like you to believe that abortion has nothing to do with the child being grown in a mother’s body. They want you to focus upon the rights the mother has as it pertains to her body. While every human being has specific rights when it comes to their own body, a child changes the equation and the rights of that mother. Unborn babies have rights of their own and cannot be discounted. Abortion is the destruction of an unborn baby’s rights. Support abortion and support the minimizing of a child’s life.
Issue: Progressive Taxes
Democrats subscribing to the Liberal Agenda believe that it is the “patriotic duty” of the “wealthy” to pay massive penalties in the form of taxes to cover the hardships of the less wealthy citizenship. Spread the wealth is a socialist/Marxist/Communist tenet and is a focal point of the Liberal Agenda. If you enjoy free markets and American capitalism, you will vehemently oppose this ideology. Wealthy people “spread the wealth” by donations and by providing jobs for the society, not by being forced to return their earned wealth to the government for “appropriate” redistribution.
Issue: Gun Control
Many Liberals will try and make you believe that guns are at the root of all evil. An outright ban or severe limitation of who can own a weapon is another core item on the liberal’s agenda. Now, the liberals in power will of course be allowed to retain their gun ownerships, but the general citizen will not be allowed to exercise their constitutional right to own a weapon. Just to make a note, I don’t believe a citizen should own military grade, fully automatic weapons or explosives. Making a gun scary looking does not make it a military weapon. Semi-automatic guns are well within our rights as law abiding citizens. If a ban of the weapon itself cannot be achieved by the liberals, watch for ammunition bans…
Issue: Homosexual Marriage
Liberals wish to rewrite the general concept that marriage consists of one man and one woman entering into a lifelong commitment (a commitment which our Christian forefathers helped found this nation upon). They wish to include same-sex couples and redefine the institution of marriage. The reasoning for this primarily resides around the fact that same-sex couples are not afforded the same “rights” natural married couple enjoy. Tax credits from joint filing, child credits, and the list goes on. Civil unions are not enough… they want marriage redefined to include homosexual couples.
Issue: Government Control
Every issue the Liberal Agenda entails basically comes from this all encompassing issue. Liberals believe that the government should have ultimate control of our society. The rights of the citizens are trivialized because the liberals believe they can satisfy the public by doing everything for them. They believe a country RUN by the government makes things “better” for everyone. I believe the government is here to protect our rights, not disseminate them to us. If we subscribe to the Liberal Agenda, we are headed for a Marxist regime in sheep’s clothing.
There are many other issues involving affirmative action, government sponsored healthcare, foreign policy, and immigration just to name a few. But, I believe the above issues are more than enough to determine if you are of the mind to accept the Liberal Agenda or not. If you do not, it doesn’t make you a conservative or even a Republican. There are lots of Democrats who do not subscribe to the Liberal Agenda. However, more and more of the Democratic Party politicians are fully invested in the Liberal Agenda and these issues are their policy decision makers. Keep your eyes open to the true issues and remember you have rights not because the government gave them to you, but because you are an American citizen.
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