adventures of my mind

Utterly Amazed

October 29th, 2008 by | Word Count: 630 | Reading Time 2:35 2,669 views

Journalistic reports from our major media outlets tend to amaze me in the sense of their audacious and sensationalistic approaches to “unbiased” news. However, today, I am utterly amazed. I am beyond the simple awe struck, mouth agape, deer in the headlights look. When I first came across Campbell Brown’s assertion that Barack Obama was in deed, a liar, I nearly fell out of my chair because I thought the cow had just jumped over the moon and that Hell had in fact, frozen over. Brown has a show, titled “No Bias, No Bull.” On a side note, with a title like that intertwined with one of the most liberal and biased “journalists” on this planet, she should be serving a time slot on Comedy Central and not on CNN…

Why exactly would Brown call Obama a liar? Why now? What is her motive behind this? We’ll get to that, but let’s take a look at her statement first. Brown says, “One year ago, he made a promise. He pledged to accept public financing… Obama went back on his word… He broke his promise.” She did not “specifically” call him a liar… semantics… Brown was right in calling Obama out on his reneged promise. He publicly stated his position and then did the exact opposite. However, the timing of this is the issue for me. This issue is old, the campaigns have been running for almost two years and now, less than one week from the election and Brown comes out with this “hard hitting” ethical dilemma story?

Brown needs to conserve at least some semblance of credibility to be an effective journalist… even on CNN. Knowing that Obama has all but wrapped up the election and with only a few days separating his anointing as our country’s savior, she dropped this story upon her readers and listeners. She knows this is a non-story at this point and it will in no way affect the outcome of the election even though ethical and moral codes have been broken by Obama. So, she runs with it, props up her façade of non-biased reporting and puts a notch in her belt for credible journalism.

What was Obama’s motive for breaking his promise? Money, power, and greed of course. He rose over $600 million in campaign contributions. What was Brown’s motive for reporting something so blatantly against her character? Money, power, and greed of course. Brown cannot retain her job on a show labeled “No Bias, No Bull” and NEVER offer some sort of disparaging report against her true nature. People won’t listen to her and eventually will tune her out resulting in her subsequent ousting from CNN’s lineup.

Obama and Brown aren’t any different than the majority of the public in our world today. Given the opportunity for more money and power with the only sacrifice being a broken promise or an ineffectual report against your poster boy, the vast majority of us would take the money and run. Let’s face it… promises don’t carry much weight in our world today. No longer can we trust in a person’s “word.” No longer can we believe what people say and truly believe they mean it because they have ulterior motives behind their actions and words.

Brown has utterly amazed me in the fact that she would actually follow through with a story detailing an ethical mistake by the liberal’s greatest politician to date. However, after reading between the lines and understanding the motives behind her actions, it’s not so amazing after all. She saw an opportunity to write a story which can uphold her “stature” in the journalism world and not harm the central figure of her cause. Very effective and very smart on her part, I’ll give it to her.


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