adventures of my mind

The Today Nonsense

October 16th, 2008 by | Word Count: 690 | Reading Time 2:48 2,428 views

I admit I regularly watch “The Today Show” on NBC each morning because when compared to its competition, it is a better avenue for “entertainment news.” Quite a while back, I wrote a story explaining my loathsome view of their additional “fourth hour” which included bringing back Kathie Lee Gifford to the television screen on a daily basis. Of course we all know the steadfast reporting capabilities Kathie Lee brings to the table… Well, recently, the fluff pieces mostly reserved for the variety hour, have invaded and overtaken the previous three hours.

Not long ago, Today was fairly well respected and their hosts performed several pertinent interviews with heads of state, high ranking officials, and many other people who have impacted our country through the news. Now, we get interviews with socialites, actors promoting movies, authors promoting books, and just the general topic of the day or “National Enquirer” type news. This week, our country’s economic crisis has been the number one factor weighing on our collective conscience. On top of that, the final Presidential debate was scheduled and held midweek.

Well, I’ll give it to Today, they did interview the Treasury Secretary in a much needed look into the government’s stance on our economic condition… for all of about two minutes. What other pressing news relegated this particular interview to such a minimal effort? Try a “major event” involving one of the Flying Wallendas performing a death defying stunt live on The Today Show. I gave up counting the minutes attributed to this breaking news story which put to shame the importance of our economic crisis not to mention the Presidential debate later that evening.

I know television shows need ratings and there usually isn’t enough news to fill three hours of time with specific and important information. But, when did The Today Show become NBC’s version of E!? I’m sick and tired of actors hocking their latest movie on the show, listening to socialites speak about their lives, and hearing nonsense interviews with the latest 15 minutes of fame people. If The Today Show had access to the Treasury Secretary, they should have appropriated more time for such an important segment of the show. Sure, they gave the debate some minor attention, but just enough to say they did.

I guess I just have higher standards associated with The Today Show than they do for themselves. In the past, I remember Bryant Gumbel interviewing sitting Presidents, Prime Ministers, etc. I remember Katie Couric doing several important interviews. Matt Lauer has even had his fair share. However, for every one of those segments these days, we are treated with a multitude of interviews with Paris Hilton talking about her latest “funny or die” video. Or we are treated with an interview about the latest Harry Potter book. We are even given special access to gourmet chefs and cooks so we can work on some great recipes for our family.

How do these subjects fit together: interviews with heads of state, actor interviews pitching their latest movie, authors hocking their latest book, concerts featuring the latest music releases, record setting events, cooking segments, and general news reporting? That is the state of The Today Show these days. It’s a smorgasbord of bullet point information. I said information, not news.

If they want a “Regis and Kathie Lee” show, then do a talk show. Stop trying to keep the “rep” up by trying to look important with sparse amounts of important interviews which are given miniscule time segments. Maybe I’m expecting too much out of the show, but when you have the public’s attention and are given special access to important guests who have important information regarding critical issues, they should be given the primary time slots and catered too.

I’m still in awe that I know more about the Flying Wallendas than I do about what the Treasury Secretary is doing to help our country’s economic crisis. They had him in person, in an interview, and gave him two minutes… sad and with a complete lack of direction. The Today Show has deteriorated into the Oprah show of the morning.

4 Responses »

  1. Jeanie
    on October 16th, 2008 at 7:20 pm:

    It used to be my favorite news show because I always knew they would have the up to date info and told the best. (Even though they were always a tad bit on the liberal sided view.) Now, like you said, it’s terrible.. they talk about what they “have to” because other stations are covering it and then the rest they do entertainment pieces only.

    What’s the deal??

    on October 16th, 2008 at 9:16 pm:

    I don’t know what happened. They have been number 1 in the ratings without having to slide into this entertainment oblivion so I don’t know why the sudden emphasis on nonsense.

    I thought I was the only one. Maybe they should get rid of Meredith and replace her with Martha Stewart. There would be no drop off in news reporting because Meredith hasn’t done any. I guess if you include her ice skating and falling down and hurting herself with Will Ferrell (while promoting Blades of Glory) as news reporting then I guess you got me there…

  2. Ann
    on October 23rd, 2008 at 8:57 pm:

    I think it is like the news people don’t know they are supposed to tell the news, Stuff people need to hear so they can be informed about what is happening in the world. Where are we supposed to get the information if not listening to the news.

    on October 23rd, 2008 at 9:29 pm:

    Take a look at the current crop of news “reporters” and “journalists” … Are they actually schooled in their profession or are they pretty faces put in front of the television camera for ratings sake? Even the true journalists are forced to dumb down their approach because ratings do not follow factual reporting. Ratings follow sensationalistic entertainment reporters. I wish there was an easy place to dig up the truth, but I’m not sure that place even exists anymore.

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