Criminal Actions…
October 14th, 2008 by Robert | Word Count: 725 | Reading Time 2:57 | 2,196 views |
Once again, I have been rendered speechless by our justice system. In several past articles, I have stated my position on some of the distinct failings of our criminal justice system regarding consequences and punishments. However, I have run across an article detailing an absurd situation which has left me in absolute wonderment. Let me detail you the predicament and associated punishment… person “A” pushes person “B” away with an open hand pressed against the side of the face while saying “Don’t touch me.” Person “B” has chosen to press charges and filed a police report. The consequences for Person “A” according to Missouri Law for such actions are a “maximum jail term of 6 months and a $500 fine.”
Now, I don’t know if it’s just me, but I remember long ago while in school, this particular action occurred on a routine basis. People generally invade other people’s space and even though it may not be the best course of action, pushing someone away from you is a fairly standard response. Should we criminally charge and prosecute our youngsters for such dastardly acts of lawlessness? This entire situation is a result of someone’s feelings being hurt and it’s a “get back” issue. Oh, did I mention that person “A” was a star football player and person “B” was a female and the incident occurred at a nightclub?
What a heinous crime. The football player should be locked up and the key thrown away or melted down. He should never see the light of day again. I mean, how could he do such a thing? I’ll turn the sarcasm off now. Even the crime report calls this a “simple-assault” charge. Why are we so intent on litigating every single action human beings can engage in? Next thing I know, I’ll be reading about a lawsuit or criminal charge brought against someone for butting into the line at Subway or for going through the quick checkout line with too many items.
Our society has routinely tried to make sure that every aspect of our life is protected. But, we don’t seem to mind that murderers are continually freed from prison. We don’t mind that rapists are set free every day. We don’t mind that sex offenders are allowed early release for “good behavior.” We don’t mind. Why don’t we mind about such truly heinous criminal behavior but we seem to care about such trivial aspects of life?
I have no idea and thus the reason for my utter and complete state of awe regarding this particular crime. I suppose we are all criminals because I can guarantee that at some point in your life, you have pushed someone who was in your space. Did you hurt their feelings? I’m sure you did. Did you deserve to be charged and prosecuted while facing a potential 6 month term in jail? Of course not. Female person “B” in this case was likely rebuffed in her attempts to gain the attention of the star football player and his reaction to the situation was to push her away. He pushed her away with an open hand against the side of the head. Was there criminal malice or intent to injure? I think not.
She had her feelings hurt and thus she decided to make him “pay” for his lack of interest. I’m sure she also knew his history with previous domestic run-ins and that made this a clear cut case for her to “win.” What does she get out of this? More than likely, she will receive nothing monetarily since she was not injured or “damaged” psychologically. However, she will prove her point (whatever that may be) and win. She will have proven that he should not have rebuffed her advances.
Is that what our legal and justice system is about? Proving points? I surely hope not. These types of cases and laws on the books only bloat the judicial system. They cost our country both in time lost and in money spent. We should be worrying about prosecuting the real criminals and correcting our punishments attributed to certain crimes. I say this but I know things will not change so I wait… I wait for another jaw dropping story to turn up (which I can guarantee will happen) and I faithfully promise to write about it.
on October 14th, 2008 at 10:10 pm:
Not to long ago people could settle their problems without getting the law involved. Now people are looking for an easy buck at the taxpayers expense.
You can’t talk loud to your spouse, you can’t spank your kids anymore and definitely, DO NOT TEEPEE anyones house. I just read an article about a man that shot a teen age boy 3 times with a shotgun for teepeeing his house. The police are checking to see if the man should be held on any charges. WHAT ???
I can just imagine this man trying to defend his actions.
Why yes sir Mr. Policeman I was afraid for my life that is why I had to defend myself, you know those rolls of tissue may have caused the roof of my house to collapse and fall on me, You understand don’t you Mr.Policeman?
on October 14th, 2008 at 11:01 pm:
It is amazing that we have asked for so much interference in our lives and yet we all complain about how far the fingers of justice and government go. On one hand, we want freedom, but on the other, we want someone holding our hand.
We can’t have both and more and more, we are allowing our lives to be consumed by rules and regulations that are here to do nothing but limit our lives and create unnecessary litigation.
I read that story also on the man shooting a kid for TP’ing his house. Some people are just looking for a reason to “defend” their property. Defending your life is one thing, shooting people because you can and the circumstances fall within the legal boundaries is just wrong.
on October 17th, 2008 at 12:19 am:
I agree ! Our freedom to protect our homes will be harmed, by assholes shooting kids doing some harmless prank.
What is a human life worth, would you let someone punch you in the face, take your car, or steel something from you before you take their life, I would.
To take a life you must be in danger of losing yours or your family must be in danger and then I feel you have right to take a life. What happened to a warning shot to scare off someone. Instead this guy pumps in three rounds into this kid and almost kills him.
A lot of kids have done this same prank the past and some of them may have been your own. How would you like it if someone almost killed your son or daughter for doing something this harmless.
on October 17th, 2008 at 8:58 am:
Very true. And even some of us older folk may have taken part in a prank or two while muddling through our younger years…
Sensibility has to be present. But, fear and reaction has replaced that and thus we read about stories such as kid pranksters being shot.