Tax Man Cometh
September 18th, 2008 by Robert | Word Count: 883 | Reading Time 3:36 | 2,700 views |
Joe Biden, our potential future Vice President, turned up in the news again with another statement worthy of mention. As I wrote in a previous article, Second Rate Choice, Biden has been largely ignored by the media since the arrival, and associated media vacuum, of Sarah Palin. However, as in that article, Biden seems to make sure that he gets his due on television and print with some oddly placed comments. Now, I know he’s trying to be the best “attack dog” he can be, but let’s face it, he’s not that type of a politician. He’s more along the mold of “do less media talking and do more work” (assuming more work actually includes voting and attending Senate proceedings).
I’m not going to dig up Biden’s voting record to see if he’s voted 50% or 75% of the time or how many times he abstained from voting, but let’s just assume that he’s a Senator who actually shows up (because really, if he doesn’t have that to his credit, Obama might want to quickly rethink his VP choice). Now, on top of his “Hillary is a better VP choice than I” statement, he comes out with the following statement displaying his lack of tack, [Obama and I want to] “take money and put it back in the pocket of middle-class people.” He continues to say, “it’s time to be patriotic … time to jump in, time to be part of the deal, time to help get America out of the rut.” Simply put, quoting from the Associated Press journalist, Biden is saying that “paying higher taxes is the patriotic thing to do for wealthier Americans.”
Call it what you want, but I’m not so sure that paying more taxes equals being patriotic. Patriotism to me is someone giving their life for the protection of our way of life, our freedom, and our country. Patriotism is shown by voting, by standing up for what you believe in, and by being active amongst society. Patriotism is voluntary. Taxes are not voluntary. Patriotism is in no way related to taxes. Actually, our country’s most hallowed patriots were patriots because they were UNWILLING to pay extra taxes levied upon them without their approval.
So, call me crazy, but Mr. Joe Biden should leave this argument alone and never try and equate taxation with patriotism. Robin Hood economics is what Obama and Biden believe in. Take from the rich and provide to the less rich. Here’s an idea if you want the wealthy to give up their honestly earned money. How about giving a bigger tax BREAK on donations to charities and other organizations which are directly aimed at helping the needy? Encourage help from the wealthy and don’t demand it by seizing their cash. Our government needs trimmed extensively. The cost savings alone by cutting billions, if not trillions, of wasted tax dollars would help fund many ethical and “right” programs without sacrificing the country’s stability or protection.
We all know that will never happen. Why would someone agree to cut their own pay or even risk the chance at firing themselves? We are then left with increased taxes as the only way to fund the programs brought forth. Democrats play the sympathy card every election. The rich get richer while the poor get poorer, but we can fix that. We’ll take the money from the rich and distribute it to the poor. What they don’t understand is that the rich will take their money offshore and leave America in shambles. Why would any knowledgeable investor or business owner stay in America if their dollars were going to be “stolen” and distributed to millions of people who have no right to them?
You and I both know the answer… none. Donald Trump stated on Larry King the blatantly obvious, “the people that create the jobs and the people that really create a lot of things in the country, and they’re going to be taxed into oblivion.” Money creates more wealth. If we force our wealth to leave our borders, we are cutting our own economic throats in an attempt to play Robin Hood.
If everyone thinks our economy is in trouble now, just wait until the taxation upon the wealth of our nation reaches 50%, as Obama proposes. Not only will we be stripped further of our jobs, but we will fall into a government subsidized way of living. Force people to give up their wealth and you are one step away from a Communist regime.
I’ll make one final personal statement. I am not a wealthy individual and I do not pride myself on worldly possession. But, I am 100% against TAKING from the rich and giving to the poor. As I said before, we need to encourage donations and support, not tell people how they must divide their money. According to the tax plans of both parties, I would in fact receive a better tax savings from Obama, but I am willing to sacrifice a few hundred dollars to save our country. The issue is not only about our personal checkbook, but it’s about our way of life. Drive the people who create wealth and jobs from our country and we’ll become nothing more than carpetbaggers waiting for a government handout.
on September 18th, 2008 at 10:43 pm:
The old saying that the more we change the more we stay the same, seems to fit in right here. It seems that if some of our politicians have their way we will be back where we were before the American Revolution. Taxation without Representation.
It appears to me that we are headed in the direction to become a big warehouse nation,relying on everyone else to make everything for us. It sounds to me like if we tax our people that are making the most money, they will probably send more jobs to foreign countries.
When this happens the U.S.A. will totally be at the mercy of everybody else, not just for oil as we are now.
on September 18th, 2008 at 11:04 pm:
The major problem we face is that the House and Senate will be controlled by the Democratic Party along with the White House if Obama wins the election. It shouldn’t be too hard for them to pass sweeping changes. The next few years will be a telltale sign of things to come.
I agree, the US is turning into a mini-mart of foreign goods. Few things are manufactured here and if you remove food from our exports, do we even have any dominant foreign market strength? Remove military exports also…
The United States, land of the imports and taxation. Sounds great to me…
on September 23rd, 2008 at 12:18 pm:
Biden, Biden, Biden… He stepped out from the shadows again with the following tidbit (from Fox News):
“Barack Obama’s running mate says a campaign ad that mocked Republican presidential candidate John McCain as an out-of-touch, out-of-date computer illiterate was “terrible” and would not have been done had he known about it.”
“Obama, McCain’s Democratic rival, launched the ad earlier this month, part of an aggressive push to slow McCain’s rise in the polls…”
Way to go and support your running mate there Joe! It’s nice to see that the potential President and Vice President are so closely aligned and on the same page this close to election.
on September 23rd, 2008 at 12:31 pm:
More on Biden and his “patriotic” taxation plans. From Ed Rollins (former political director for President Reagan and was national chairman of Mike Huckabee’s Presidential campaign) on CNN:
“His running mate, Sen. Joe Biden, said rich Americans should be patriotic and pay more taxes. A more idiotic statement has never been uttered! But then he also said last week that people in financial trouble should be able to renegotiate their interest and the principal on their housing loans. The idea of renegotiating how much you borrowed is a novel approach that should thrill the banks.”
on September 23rd, 2008 at 6:02 pm:
Biden just can’t keep his mouth from getting himself into hot water. The latest comes from Barack himself. Via Fox News:
“Barack Obama and Joe Biden stepped out of sync again Tuesday, as the Democratic presidential nominee criticized his running mate for voicing opposition to the government bailout of American International Group… ”
Obama wanted to wait before issuing a stance. He still hasn’t announced a stance but has not chosen to oppose the bailout… I guess Obama doesn’t like playing hindsight politics since if you never make a decision, you can never be wrong… but you can tell everyone later you would have done this and that and then tell them they were all wrong.
Obama being required to “censure” (as Fox News reported) his own running mate suggests we may be seeing and hearing less of Mr. Joe Biden. We can only hope, as I’m sure Obama does too.
on September 24th, 2008 at 7:45 pm:
Ok, this is just becoming too easy. The latest Biden quote from Fox News:
“On Tuesday, he said that President Franklin Roosevelt had gone on television in 1929 to discuss the Wall Street crash (Herbert Hoover was president in 1929 and the TV hadn’t been invented yet).
The Republican National Committee has gleefully set up a Biden “gaffe clock” to monitor his rhetorical flubs on the campaign trail.”
Has Joe Biden become the Democratic version of Dan Quayle?
on September 24th, 2008 at 7:49 pm:
Just to keep the information in a single place, rumors abound that Joe Biden is going to step down as Obama’s running mate after the Vice Presidential debate on Oct. 2. Rumor is he’ll cite “health reasons” for his prompt exit and the replacement will be none other than Mrs. Clinton herself.
I’m not one for rumors, but Biden seems to have foot in mouth disease more than ever and pushing Obama to publicly rebuke his running mate in public is not a good thing. Either we’ll be seeing much less of Mr. Biden as running mate or we’ll see none of him soon. Either way, I’m sure Obama will be much happier.