adventures of my mind

Bail Us Out

September 25th, 2008 by | Word Count: 797 | Reading Time 3:12 3,795 views

To bailout or not to bailout, that is the question. We’ve been inundated over the last week with words such as bailout, meltdown, Wall Street versus Main Street, foreclosures, economic crisis, and even the most dastardly economic terms known to the financial man… recession or even, (say it with a low voice, we don’t want to be overheard), depression. Nobody wants a recession or something much worse, that’s a fundamental fact. But, even with a government sponsored bailout, are our financial markets going to be set upon clear waters for free sailing? I don’t think so, but that doesn’t necessarily mean the bailout isn’t necessary.

The shambles of our current economy scares the majority of Americans. When our homes and property come under fire, our fear creates destructive undercurrents within our financial sector. Negative tones from the market feed our fear and society begins looking to save their livelihood. The issues have infected the everyday person, not just the investment banker, stock trader, mortgage firm, or Wall Street giant. Society hobbles along when the major firms take hits, but it comes to a screeching halt when your local town begins to see the effects of a national financial crisis.

Yank the money from the bank, pull the funds from the stock market, and start living as if money in the form of cash is the only way to protect your family’s investment. That is what some are doing in fears of losing everything. When we see our savings and retirement accounts plummeting because of the fickle and volatile stock market, we get antsy and start pulling money from the system. As more and more people feel the pressure, fear continues to feed the monster and before we know it, we are in a full scale crisis, or disaster.

Fear and negative speculation play a very large role in how our economy works. To replace these two nasty demons, we must have confidence in our markets. We must be confident that at some point, our money will be returned to us intact, with interest for our risk assumption. If we fail to have confidence in our financial markets, they will fail, immediately. This is the juncture we are at. Mom and pop, and even the next door neighbor, are worried about their future and they hear fear mongering and dire reports on each and every news report. They see people losing jobs and houses as well as families being destroyed by money “disappearing.”

We are at a point where our economy is teetering on the edge of absolute destruction for the near term. Let’s return to the initial question, “Should we allow government to bailout Wall Street?” According to our most gifted economic minds and financial leaders, the answer is yes. But as a taxpayer, the answer is a little hard to swallow because the $700 Billion we are talking about is OUR money. We are the ones at risk now, why should we assume MORE risk if things don’t work out? Not only are our lives on the line now, we are placing our necks firmly under the guillotine with the bailout.

In my opinion, it is a risk we must take or we are more likely to pay an even more extreme price later (the later may not be that much farther down the road). We must realize that the $700 Billion being offered as part of the bailout plan will not fix anything fundamentally. It is a short term fix to release the grasps the demon of fear has upon us. It is a “pill” to fix the confidence problem our economy has. We hear that banks will “loosen” their credit strings with the bailout in place. We hear that home owners will be protected. We hear that the housing market will not implode. We hear that our stock markets will stabilize. We hear… lots of things.

In the end, we must not HEAR, but EXPERIENCE these things, or our tax money, confidence, and livelihoods will disappear completely. There are only so many bailouts that can happen before total economic decay. The dollar can only be diluted so much. Eventually, there will be a price to pay for a short term fix, but the fix is a risk worth taking given the country’s current standing. However, we cannot just move forward happily as things hopefully stabilize. We must fix the underlying problems which created the fiasco we are in. Without that, we will see another issue such as this in our future, but much larger. Patching the wound now gives us time to live without fear and angst, but we must use that time to focus on fixing the root problems… or we will be in the same boat just on a different day.

2 Responses »

  1. Bob
    on September 25th, 2008 at 8:05 pm:

    What I am wondering is, with the government bailout will this put the government in control of some of our banking systems? If not what are the repercussions to some of the higher echelons that are running these banks in the ground? I personally think that their bonuses they are supposed to be entitled to, should be turned back over to the government to help pay for their mess ups.

    This sounds very familiar to what happened in the 70s. This is somewhat like the people living in the hurricane and flooding zones. We the tax payers keep paying to rebuild for these people and they just keep moving back to the same old places. I can understand once or twice if it was an oddity that happens one time in one hundred or two hundred years. But this is continual year after year. When do we say enough is enough?

    I don’t agree with government control, but if it is necessary to keep things going in the right direction, then lets get on with it and keep tight reign over these unscrupulous bankers.

    on September 25th, 2008 at 10:49 pm:

    What you are talking about is one of the issues of the proposed bailout. What exactly is the role of the government after the bailout? The Democrats are using the proposal to include legislation that regulates executive pay among other things with certain companies and they are also haggling over just where the money comes from.

    The current issue centers around some wanting the investment community to foot the bill for the bailout versus the taxpayers. In the end, I’m sure we’ll see the taxpayers shouldering the risk and also see government regulation involved in executive pay along with other rules to help alleviate these things from escalating in the future.

    Now, I’m not one to ask for government intervention in the free market, but if the results are failure with long standing countrywide recession or bailout and save the market, I think we can all agree that intervention would be necessary.

    I agree also about the continual need to bailout these failures. Eventually, these companies should be required to pay the price of their mismanagement and not require the American public to forever pull their companies out of the fire while the public itself continues to decline.

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