adventures of my mind


July 4th, 2008 by | Word Count: 1303 | Reading Time 5:16 2,298 views

Interesting title for today’s article isn’t it? What exactly does it mean? Well, I’m sure you can figure out that the two words are Conservative and Obama (meaning Barack of course). Whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican, I’m sure you’re wondering why those 2 words are placed together since they are in fact polar opposites in meaning. Let me fill you in on the latest happenings in the political arena. Barack has basically sewn up the Democratic nomination as Hilary Clinton has agreed to “withdraw” her bid for the party’s nomination. All that is left is the super delegate vote at the Democratic National Convention and Barack will be officially named their party’s representative for the next Presidential election. He will be running against John McCain of the Republican Party. Neither candidate has stated who their choice for running mate is yet although they are currently reviewing and interviewing potential candidates. So, come November, we have our choices set minus a few ingredients, but the fact of the matter is, it will be Obama versus McCain for our 44th President of the United States.

Now that we have the entrants settled why am I placing Obama and Conservative together? Let me break out my personal looking glass into the political underpinnings and tell you how I see it. First, let’s take a look at the Obama versus Clinton campaign. Clinton repeatedly tried to stay closer to the center regarding many of the issues. She of course defaulted to the Liberal Left on many issues, but she tempered her responses with a middle hugging angle. Obama on the other hand left no question in the minds of the Liberal Left where he stood and the Democratic Nation understood that he was there to support everything Liberal, no ambiguity in his stance. Well, that is until now. The Democratic Party Nomination will not be decided by majority, it will be decided by the super delegate vote because Clinton was able to split the party’s vote enough to create division. Obama was not, and still is not, the clear cut choice in many areas throughout the nation.

How did Clinton create such a division within the party when Obama has been the frontrunner since the beginning? Not to mention that he was an overwhelming favorite since he entered to garner the Democratic nomination and forge ahead to be the next President. Even with these odds, Clinton still pushed the party to its limits before succumbing to national pressure to throw in the towel before too much infighting hurt their own chances. Many Democrats are not the epitome of the Liberal Left as some like to believe. There are MANY Democrats who are just left of center and actually agree with the Conservative Right on many issues facing our country. These voters are the people who Clinton continued to win support from no matter how daunting the climb was versus Obama. The “right” of the liberal left is very powerful and showed they are willing to vote even knowing that Obama would eventually win. The statement they were making was that they supported a somewhat different agenda than what Obama has been pushing, the Liberal Left agenda.

Ok, so there is clearly division within the Democratic ranks. They have their Liberal Left who is very powerful and they have their center leaning Liberal voting bloc. As the voting between Clinton and Obama displayed, both contain a large core of voters. Given that McCain should easily win his Conservative Right handily, the “swing” vote of the middle becomes the determining factor of who wins the next election. Obama failed to convert Clinton’s voter support state after state even with the massive support of the media behind him. He just could not overcome their ideology and political viewpoints with his Liberal agenda. That’s a problem. Yes, during the next election, Obama can virtually claim a 100% share of the Liberal Left, but if he fails to win the majority of the middle hugging Democratic voter nation, he can basically pack his bags and go home because he will lose the next election. Obama and his campaign know this. They understand they still have to fight to win the Clinton supporters. If they cannot win their support, they risk losing them to McCain on their voter card even if he is a Republican.

What can Obama do to stop this potential disaster from happening? If you’ve been following the latest speaking engagements and statements Obama has been making, it’s pretty easy to see his campaign’s agenda on how to win Clinton’s supporters and ensure he takes home the Democratic voting bloc in November. Obama has started to move his campaign closer to center. He has been speaking publicly quoting Ronald Reagan and speaking about Bush’s religious support and movement. He has begun to align himself with projects, bills, and plans that are center oriented rather than Liberal Left. Sounds like good policy doesn’t it? Sure, but we are talking about a politician here. For months and years, he was a staunch supporter of EVERYTHING Liberal Left. Now, on the cusp of taking home the greatest political prize of the United States, he has changed his path and focused on centering his agenda. Coincidence… not a chance.

Obama is taking a page out of Bush’s political agenda and focusing on the middle of America. Without winning the middle, your chance at becoming President is virtually slim and none. So, here we are, just a few short months from the election and Obama seems to be changing colors. Will the nation believe him because we feel we are in need of a change, any change? Will the nation actually listen during the coming months while the candidates go through their debates and speeches explaining how they plan on helping our country in the next 4 years? Or, will our nation just vote out of a haphazard need for change no matter what the candidates have to say. I hear people say we are in need of a change all the time. We have been under Reagan or Clinton leadership since 1980. People believe we need new blood and new direction. Obama fits that bill and appears to be the golden child of politics like he’s the next coming of JFK. I will agree America is in need of change. But, we need changes where they are truly effective. We need to clear out our Senate and Congress seats and fill them with term limited individuals who are there as true public servants and not money hording lawyers lining their family’s pockets for generation after generation.

Our President is our Commander in Chief and he is our focal point of politics. Yes, he has executive power, but he is not the one creating bills and passing nonsense. However, since he is our Commander in Chief, we must have someone we believe in, someone who we know where they stand on the issues and are not wavering or playing to the crowd to win support. We need someone who stands up for what they believe no matter if it wins them a vote or not. When I see a politician who placates to the masses as Obama has begun, my respect and support vanishes. If what you stand up for and believe in are chess pieces in a political voting game, then you are not fit for the office of President. I place the same constraints on McCain. I am not a card holding Republican. I vote for who fits my standard of beliefs, both moral and ethical. If that person turns out to be a Democrat, so be it. But, I can guarantee you this, Obama has failed my standards and he will never receive my support or vote.

4 Responses »

  1. Jeanie
    on July 4th, 2008 at 9:36 pm:

    You know, just about every person that I have known, that call themselves Democrats, vote blindly for whoever it is that is on the democratic ticket at the time. I’m talking completely blind – meaning, no matter what the politician stands for, as long as he’s a democrat, their vote is set. My friend Tammy, a die-hard Democrat – For the first time, (that I’m aware of), since I’ve known her, (early 80’s), she’s voting for McCain because she believes as I do, that Obama is going to be disastrous for America. That is huge people.. someone that would not even CONSIDER voting Republican feels she just has no choice here. I’m sure I’m not the only one who knows people that are saying the same thing. And let’s face it.. McCain’s no peach here, but CLEARLY the only choice.

    I believe if Obama makes it in office, it’s a sign of the end of times, because that’s how bad I think he’s going to be for our country.

  2. Ann
    on July 4th, 2008 at 10:49 pm:

    I’m not a good political person, I cannot get interested in following their talk shows. For one thing, I don’t believe anything they say,for I believe they are only talking for the vote. When they win, everything changes. I can never tell whenever one is sincere.

  3. Robert
    on July 5th, 2008 at 10:34 am:

    @Jeanie: It’s kind of funny that you mention die-hard Democrats changing votes even with the supposed Democratic “savior” front running their party. Just this morning, I read the results of a new poll available on CNN talking exactly about what I have written in the article and what you have spoken about. Obama is losing support amongst the Democratic middle according to the latest poll and more than a third of those who were voting for Clinton have stated they will be staying home come November.

    This is not good news for the Obama campaign, especially since he has solidified his position as the nominee. There are rumor winds circling that Obama may choose Clinton as his Vice President to win the support of the Democratic Party voters. However, if he does that, how can he truly speak of change in Washington when Clinton is a part of what he wants changed?

    If Obama sinks to choosing Clinton as his running mate, you know it was for one thing, votes. He would trade his campaign’s policies of change for the simple fact that he cannot win the votes based on his policy and ideology. Let’s keep an eye on how this goes and what part Clinton plays. It will give us a great insight into Obama’s true stance.

  4. Robert
    on July 5th, 2008 at 10:37 am:

    @Ann: It is a subject that is hard to be truly interested in and you are right, politicians are very rarely sincere. However, we must still stay on top of the current policies and how they affect our country. We must wade through all the media lies and propaganda delivered to us and then make up our own mind whether we choose to believe or not. No, we are not given the facts, but we cannot just sit idly by and let the government have their way with us. Listen, but be skeptical.

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