May 10th, 2008 by Robert | Word Count: 1218 | Reading Time 4:56 | 1,942 views |
Tolerance, it’s a big word. It implies many things and it gets thrown around a lot when there are differing points of view. Tolerate. What exactly does that mean? Basically it means to allow or put up with something that you don’t agree with in some way. That’s fine, I know everyone is different and we all have our own issues to deal with. However, when is enough, enough? How much must we tolerate? Is there a line that can be crossed, is there an issue that can be pushed too far, is there a limit to tolerance? For me, the answer is yes, on all accounts. Tolerance is a requirement to be an integrated member of society. If you are completely intolerant, you are basically dividing yourself from the mass, the community, the society.
So where is this line between being overly tolerant and being intolerant? It’s a very hard question and one that cannot be answered for you. However, I am going to give you my take on tolerance and how it impacts my life. I tolerate lots of things. I tolerate the amount of taxes I pay, I tolerate the bad drivers at 4-way stops, I tolerate the annoying kids on cell phones, I tolerate the inconsiderate people at the grocery store with their SUV shopping carts, I tolerate the speeding drivers that like to drive on my side of the road, and I tolerate other people’s opinions. Tolerance is almost a minute by minute issue. I’m sure there are umpteen million other examples of how we tolerate things and people in our lives. We allow these issues to continue because the cost of doing something to correct it is either too costly, or too harmful, or too time consuming to worry about. So we tolerate them, we allow them to continue, we put up with it.
However, you can become intolerant to any of these situations in an instant. What would happen if my taxes doubled? Would I tolerate that? Nope. What would happen if people ran into me at an intersection on purpose? What would happen if someone intentionally hit me with their cart in the grocery store? Would I continue to tolerate these things? My answer is VERY HIGHLY unlikely. They have just crossed the line of tolerance, to my intolerance level. I will not put up with, or allow continuing of these actions against me. That’s fine and very easily understood, I’m sure this level is pretty similar amongst everyone out there. But where does “true” tolerance come into play? I think it comes into play in the most delicate nature when we are talking about people’s opinions or our so called rights.
Our daily lives revolve around interaction with other people. If we are intolerant, we cannot function within society. Intolerant people find themselves always at odds with people and often are uncompromising. They just do not fit into society and create great division. So, we go through our daily lives tolerating other people, their actions, and their words, and their beliefs. It allows us to function as a society. But is there a line in tolerance within a social setting? I believe so. Just because there are feelings and rational thought involved, it doesn’t mean there isn’t a line somewhere that can be crossed. At home, at work, at school, at church, and in your country, you tolerate people’s opinions, feelings, and “rights.” What would something be that you would not tolerate in a social setting? Would you tolerate individuals shouting expletives at a school function? Nope. Would you tolerate someone coming into your home and burning a flag? Nope. Would you tolerate someone stealing your ideas and work at your job? Nope. Would you tolerate someone disregarding your opinion as stupid and wrong just because it’s not the majority opinion? Nope.
There are lines of tolerance in a social setting. It’s pretty easy to see. However, each person’s tolerance line will be different. I see labels of intolerance given to certain organizations and groups of people. Why is this so? Some people believe that being the least bit intolerant towards anything is in fact removing something of value from them. They believe they should be able to do or say anything because they have the “right” to do so. If it doesn’t affect you, then why do you care? Ok, for simplicity’s sake, I will agree. You are human, and you have the right to do ANYTHING you want. However, there are consequences to some of these things you do and say because of the simple fact that you live in a society of other people. You are not a one person country. You are not the judge, jury, and executioner of what you think should be allowed.
The society will only tolerate so much. It will reach a certain point and then “intolerance” will arrive. Actually, the line of tolerance is at the root of almost every issue we face. We tolerate illegal immigrants. We tolerate gas prices. We tolerate flag burning. We tolerate the removal of the 10 Commandments from our society. We tolerate the hate mongers fueling niche organizations. We tolerate many, many things. Some of these things are very divisive and deep rooted within personal beliefs. However, as we approach the level of society’s intolerance, we see conflict and division amongst our communities. That is where we are at now. We are past the tolerance level of many within our society, but only until recently have we more than likely reached that level with the majority.
Tolerance is required to have a civilized society. But, we have to remember that being overly tolerant is just as bad as being overly intolerant. We cannot reach a point where we tolerate every single thing. Our society would devolve into chaos. On the other side, we cannot reach a point where we are intolerant to almost everything. Our society would in turn become a basic form of dictatorship at all levels. So, here we sit, somewhere in the middle. Are we in the middle, to the far left, or the far right? Depends on which way the wind is blowing it seems. Currently, it appears that we are falling farther and farther to the left, completely tolerant in a way that is basically intolerance. We worry about what we say being offensive to certain groups. These groups have certain words they associate with intolerance and thus label you. However, who is the intolerant one here? Irony never leaves the building. I do not want to live in a society of complete tolerance. Political correctness is one of the main weapons of this movement. Make sure EVERYONE is happy. Make sure you don’t offend those crazy intolerant right wingers! Maybe it should be the other way around. Make sure you say something you believe in so the left wingers actually have to form an opinion rather than say yes to everything.
In the end, tolerance is a major key to our success as a society. We can’t allow the completely tolerant or intolerant take over our nation. Choose your battles wisely. Rely on your beliefs and moral and ethical makeup. You will be better off. Tolerate, but only to an extent, in everything you do.
on May 11th, 2008 at 12:11 pm:
Whoa”, this one should get a lot of good comments. What really burns me is the way a lot of our Congressman and Senators operate.It seems that just about anything that one party brings up for vote,the other party wants nothing to do with it.I can’t believe that just because they are a Democrat or a Republican,that they can be wrong all of the time.What burns me even more is these people that can’t make a decision at all,they just vote as HERE. Most of the country accepts this or TOLERATES this. We as voters can change this if we decide that we have tolerated this long enough. We have people in Congress that in my humble opinion should not have made it past their first term in office, and here we are years and years later still tolerating them in office.These people could care less about the average day to day citizen. They have their retirement all taken care of once they make it to Congress.Yes they will blow a lot of smoke and tell you what you want to hear to get back into their cushy job.
If everyone keeps on TOLERATING what has been happening, things will never change.I believe that most people are tired of tolerating what has been happening, but if you do tomorrow what they did today things will never change.Until we as Legal voters of this great nation take a stand and vote from our heart and mind instead of for a Democrat or a Republican, then our children and grandchildren will still be tolerating what we have left for them.
on May 11th, 2008 at 8:18 pm:
Term limits are a must for ALL levels within the political arena. People cannot be allowed to continually serve within the same office. We need new blood, new ideas, new ambition in our system. By removing the old and bringing in the new, I believe we would see less of the steadfast holding to particular party lines because they would be there for a limited time and to accomplish their goals, they would have to work together. They would actually have to tolerate each other and WORK together.
Currently, the tolerance level in our political system is to sit back and wait until the other side gives up or runs out of seats to have enough of a say when a bill comes up. As voters, we have to stop tolerating this and get worthy candidates on the ticket and vote them in, from mayor to congress to the white house.