adventures of my mind

Television Ramblings

April 12th, 2008 by | Word Count: 137 | Reading Time 0:33 2,331 views

Welcome to the first post in the Television Ramblings category.  The content for this particular category will focus on programming featured on network or cable television.  There will be no specific segment, series, or product under review here.  Every so often, I run across content from our mainstream media outlet that spurs a debate or discussion.  I plan on taking these instances and forming interesting posts for our readers to join in and share their points of view.

If someone notices an interesting or entertaining piece coming to television, I welcome you to send me the information so I can possibly view the segment.  Our “boob” tube can offer some very interesting and often entertaining concepts and viewpoints that offer up very good platforms to start useful commentary.  So keep an eye out and we’ll have some fun.

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