adventures of my mind

Political Beefs

April 12th, 2008 by | Word Count: 185 | Reading Time 0:44 1,849 views

Welcome to the first post in the Political Beefs category.  Here you will find, at times, somewhat volatile subject matter which could lead to some very interesting conversations and discussions.  I am not looking for a category of continual arguing and bickering though.  What I want to see, promote, and instigate are conversations on relevant topics that we can all share different viewpoints amongst one another in a friendly and thoughtful manner.   Politics is a very large arena and could range from anything at the top level all the way down to some local level political scale.  Everything political is fair game here.

As I have stated, I am not looking for a category of people choosing sides and creating division.  I believe we can gain from engaging in difficult topics and keeping the air clean between readers.  This category can and will have topics that are light hearted.  Politics is a vast well of information and we can all learn from one another as we discuss various issues.  Like all other categories in this site, if you have a suggestion for content, let me know.

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