Movie Reviews
April 12th, 2008 by Robert | Word Count: 179 | Reading Time 0:43 | 1,802 views |
Welcome to the first post in the Movie Reviews category. I watch a lot of movies, so I plan on writing about them here. The reviewed movies can be from any time period and not necessarily a new release. Most of the topics and discussion in here will be for pure entertainment value, but there are also movies that provoke intellectual stimulation. Yes, there are movies that can do that. Rare yes, but they do get made every so often.
Look for a wide range of content within this category as the movie industry has never failed to create a dynamic array of productions to choose from. If you feel there is a movie that deserves some critical attention here, send me a suggestion. Even writing and discussing mostly entertainment value subject matter can lead to some intelligent new ideas and conversations. Movies are a way for us to enter a different reality at times and along with this, expand our normal thought processes. I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of discussions we can generate in this category.
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