Everyday Nonsense
April 12th, 2008 by Robert | Word Count: 158 | Reading Time 0:38 | 1,883 views |
Welcome to the first post in the Everyday Nonsense category. This category will contain all the posts that do not fit the other categories and will just be random in nature. Anything that gains my attention for whatever reason will show up here and we can all have some entertaining discussions. There are all kinds of outlets of information that will provide topics here. They could include newspapers, news casts, other website topics, magazines, etc. The list is endless so there will definitely be a variety of posts here.
Most posts will fall into this category and it should be a pretty active category over time. If you have any potential topics that fall into this category, feel free to contact me. This is the last introduction post for the site in its current state. I’m ready to begin our trek through many different learning experiences. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I know I will.
on April 13th, 2008 at 8:00 pm:
I can’t wait to start reading all your views. Hurry and post!
on April 15th, 2008 at 11:36 am:
Has anyone else went to those websites that answer peoples’ questions to find that many people answering have no clue to the real answer? What are they thinking?
on April 16th, 2008 at 3:01 pm:
Yep, a lot of websites do not validate the answers received and that leads to a spiral of mis-information. There are several sites on the net that allow for user driven material and they just do not have the people power to confirm all information. They turn it over to their website participants to agree/not agree which in turn, leads to even more mis-information. Never ending.
Some people think opinions=answers. Far from the case. Opinions should open discussion to find the answers. I hope that’s what we can do here.